Tuesday 6 June 2023

Baywatch - Season 2 - The End of the Original Cast, Pretty Much

Random Thoughts

- All of my posts going quite far back have one view each, I'm wondering why. Perhaps there's staff at Blogger.com who check everyone's posts to see if there's hate speech or whatever. If this is the case, apologies that you have to read such a sad, lame, badly written blog that blabbers on about pointless old TV shows. I mean I don't think it's pointless but you know what I mean.

- This blog really is, and perhaps always has been, basically my journal.

- Once again I'm looking at how young I look in that photo of me on here, on the left-hand side. Oh boy. And one of the only photos of myself I like, too. Even back then, I didn't look good in most photos. Now that I'm old, I look even uglier.

Baywatch Season 2 - An End of an Era

More Baywatch, what a surprise. Here I'm going to continue my thoughts that I started in my previous post, which was mostly about Shauni and Eddie leaving. I had more to say about it all but I've forgotten, let's see how much I can remember.

I say Season 2 above because even though the changes happen in Season 3, it's only after two episodes in. That two part story could have been at the end of Season 2, in fact. It even felt more like a season ender than Summer of '85 did.

Who Stays? - Mitch and Ben

Shauni and Eddie leaving was a big deal not just because I liked those characters, it was also the end for virtually all of the original cast. They were the last to go. Yes Mitch (David Hasselhoff) stays but everyone knows he's always in the show, I think for the whole run. I used the word 'virtually' because to be honest there are other actors who stay but they are glorified extras. We have Ben who is no longer in the intro and I think he may appear for a few seconds more here and there, and then vanishes completely. Since his page on that Baywatch Wiki Fan site is so bare. Which, by the way, is actually too bare even for Ben. Most of his page sections are blank, shows how much of an impression the character left on the fans, despite being played by the same actor who is a different character in the pilot episode. Rest in Peace though (the actor passed away a long time ago, 1997 I think).

Who Stays? - Garner

Garner also continues to be in the show and seems to appear and disappear from the opening quite often between Season 1 and 3. I've seen online that he stays on the show for a long time and is in the spin-off but I still almost don't care about this character at all, to be honest. I don't think there's been a single story about him so far and he's barely in it. I mean, out of all of the 'background' characters, he's been in Baywatch long enough to warrant actual stories about him. Even Ben got one or two and I'm pretty sure Garner has had more screen time by Season 3. In case you don't know, Garner a cop, he's THE cop of the show. He exists just so the show writers have a cop to turn up at the end to arrest the crooks, if the episode happens to have crooks. My memory is already getting hazy when it comes to Season 2 but I think Garner is barely seen in the second half of that season.

Who Stays? - Hobie

Yes there is also Hobie but this is fake Hobie, the one that started at the beginning of Season 2. His acting gradually improves but he's not as good as the original actor and he looks and acts so differently, he may as well be a different character. He also looks and acts younger. Also since he's Mitches young son, his stories are often about being naughty. The problem is that this new Hobie often does things that the original one did, but the original one learnt his lesson in those old episodes. So again it makes him feel like a different character because he does things the original Hobie never would do. I might be wrong but I think there's even a bit where he has no experience with girls, he hasn't kissed before, or something. But the original Hobie did kiss someone! I know it's the writers fault but it's still kinda funny.

And the Rest

Then there's the rest, who I can't be bothered to remember, they're basically just extras anyway.

End of the Beginning

That may have not looked like a tangent but it was. What I should have simply said was that Shauni and Eddie were the last two IMPORTANT characters / actors to leave Baywatch. From episode 3 of Season 3, all of the core original cast have left besides David Hasselhoff. It's just sad, ya know? Those two, as well as the others who left earlier, they made what Baywatch was. Perhaps it's because compared to TV now, it seems weird to have so many actors leave, and so early on too, relative to how long the series went on for. 2023 TV shows and for a long time now, the cast mostly stay the same.

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