'B' Story
Mitch's mum comes to visit her son and grand son, Hobie. This gives her the chance to also meet Tracy, Mitch's new girlfriend. Hobie is there in Mitch's mum's first scene but then never seen again in this episode. Mitch's father died two years ago, a fact that I'm not sure I even knew. If they did an episode about it, I can't remember it, which would be surprising. Also if they didn't, it doesn't feel like two seasons ago that we saw Mitch's father alive.
Mitch wants his mum to start dating again, which she doesn't want to do. Soon after this, she's dating some dude even though she seemed very sure that she didn't want to date again since "no one could replace" her husband. Even though Mitch wanted her to find another man, he doesn't like this guy because of his reputation of being a womaniser. I'm explaining this entire story because there's nothing else to say about it, there's nothing great to point out here. I watched it, I wasn't bored but now that it's over, there's really nothing else to say.
'A' Story
The title 'Rubber Ducky' refers to a type of lightweight speed boat which is apparently popular in Australia, or least, it was at the time. There's a race, they each have a partner but basically it's a competition between Logan and Matt, since they continue to dislike each other. This is what the story appears to be about but really it's about Caroline and Logan getting back together. There's a scene where we find out that Caroline is still pissed off with him for leaving her for a rich, older woman, but cut to a couple of scenes later and they're back together.
Not that I had that thought about it but I didn't see it coming. Getting them back together is boring but on the other hand, their "relationship" earlier in the season was barely shown. To such an extent, I wasn't even sure they were doing more than just have dinner together back then. In other words, the show didn't spend much time on their relationship. I'm not too keen on seeing them back together since, to be honest, I don't think Logan is that attractive. It's funny to see Caroline's actress act so besotted with him, what does she even see in him? Logan doesn't act like that towards her but I think that's just bad acting, since I think this episode is supposed to be telling us that he genuinely does like her.
Logan is still portrait as a bit of a dick though, I mean, he's marrying a woman just for a green card. I'm surprised the show kept them together, really, but now they have a reason to have her briefly appear again. I'm not sure if the show wants us to feel like Logan is doing the right thing, marrying her for the green card, so that he can stay in the country and therefor close to Caroline. It certainly doesn't seem like a nice thing to do because he is tricking this poor other lady into marriage.
Logan's alternative is to buy an illegal green card with the first place prize money for the Rubber Ducky race. When we get to the race, it's really quite boring apart from the accident at the end - Logan's boat cuts off Matts one, resulting in Matt flipping over and getting hit on the head. I know it's blatant and obvious writing but I like the fact that Logan stops to go back and rescue him, even though his race partner doesn't want to. So Logan isn't that bad after all, is what they're hitting us on the nose with. They've done this at least once before, by the way, but it's been a while. So anyway, this means that Logan doesn't win the race and therefor must marry the bit-part lady to get a green card.
This episode, has the most sexually charged scene I've ever seen in Baywatch. It's always had T.N.A., it's been ramp-ted up in season 5 and mostly involves the extras, but I've never seen anything in Baywatch that I'd describe as sexual. Until now. We get a montage of Caroline and Logan playing around and exercising on the beach, though it's mostly focused on Caroline. The start of it doesn't have Logan in it, it's just Caroline posing. Showing people doing sit-ups in slow motion, while your partner holds your feet and certainly look suggestive from certain camera angles. There's also a lot of sweat which was probably sprayed on. When you finish your sit ups set, all tired out, it also looks like a certain other thing.
A few last things to note about this episode - C.J. has a supporting role here. Pamela does very little, as usual. It makes me wonder what made her so popular in the 90's, I thought it was Baywatch but she does very little and I hate to be mean but, she's also the least attractive out of the cast. I only say that because before I started watching Baywatch, I assumed that's why everyone liked her in this show. It must be a combination of Baywatch and other things she did outside of it, like modelling. It shows that she was a hard worker and that's what made her a star. Caroline's actress, I forget her name, is better in every way in this show, but I'd never heard of her before watching Baywatch and have never seen her after. Actually that goes for all the other women in this show. What I mean is, I didn't even watch Baywatch in the 90's but I'd heard of Pamela Anderson.
There's a random rescue in the middle of this episode, it's totally unneeded and not connected to the story at all. An old man has a stroke on a boat. At least it wasn't someone drowning.
I totally didn't notice in the previous episodes, the Christmas Special, that Logan was no where to be seen. Was this because he's a bit of a villain? Surely not.
We get a another tease concerning Tracy's health, they're clearly going to reveal that she's going to die of some illness. It'll be one of those stories when the person says "I have one year to live". It's typical daytime TV stuff but Baywatch has never done it before, or least, as far as I can remember. If they have done it before, they didn't do it in this way, it would have been in a single episode with a guest star, not a recurring role. Then again, it's a bit of a trick, right? Tracy is a recurring role but she's clearly not a main member of the cast. She's not in the intro and I've never seen her in any promotional material when I'm looking stuff up on baywatch.fandom for this blog. Obviously they've set this up from her first appearance, which is new for Baywatch. Well done. I'm wondering how they're going to deal with this though. Like I said the other day, it seems rather dark for Baywatch. Also haven't we had enough episodes and scenes of Mitch being miserable by now?
I liked this episode which says a lot about me, since it's the most soup opera like one Baywatch has done so far. It was a very low stakes story mostly containing people talking about relationships.
Random Thoughts on Baywatch So Far
Do you remember the episode 'We Need a Vacation' from season 1? Craig, Cort and Eddie go to Mexico, save a town from criminals and blow up a car, or something. That kind of episode seems so alien now. For the most part, Baywatch hasn't changed all that much but they never have episodes like that anymore. They should. As far as the typical beach episodes go, has season 5's formula always been there or did it creep in fairly recently? Maybe it's always been there and I just didn't notice it. There's a formula now which is most apparent when viewing the action sequences which are always rescues. There's always one at the end just before a couple of wrap-up scenes of characters talking.