Saturday 20 January 2007

Heroes is awesome

All my doubts about Heroes are gone, this show is damn good. I forgot to mention last time about a character that's getting to be really quite cool. Her name is Claire, and she's some kind of Jekyll and Hyde. I've watched almost 6 episodes now, and they still haven't really revealed anything about her. All I know is that she has some kind of crazy split personality, who likes going around massacring people. Good stuff.

I shouldn't have watched so many episodes in a row, it's quite unhealthy. It also means I'll catch up with the lastest episodes and then have to wait. It's better to spread these kind of things out.

Friday 19 January 2007

Heroes episode 1

Heroes is an American tv series, I think they're on about episode 12, I recently watched the first episode. Before I say anything else, a warning, this is going to have spoilers.

It seems pretty good. Perhaps a little cheesy, and the acting isn't great, but it's only the first episode, so it might get better. As far as I know, it's doing pretty well, people like it. It's basically X-Men the live action tv series, set in the "real world".

Being a super hero comic book fan, it's difficult to watch this without over analysing it. To many, I'm sure the idea of making a super hero series set in a realistic world is original, but I think it's getting to be quite an old fad now. I've seen it before in films and many comics for ages now. It kind of started with Watchmen I guess.

Heroes is following that popular 40 to 50 minute formula. I think since shows like 24 and Lost, new shows have had to have larger production values to fare well against giants like these. My mate Paul pointed out that 24 was one of the first tv shows he watched that feels like it's a movie. This is true of Lost as well, I think. Those shows have raised the bar.

Heroes is trying to reach that bar. I mean I don't know, perhaps it's already reached that bar on the latest episodes that I haven't seen, I 'll have to wait and see. I found the pacing of the first episode to be a bit slow. That may have been because I'd been told a lot about it already. But even if I hadn't, I think I would have got a little sick of the "origins" build ups of the characters, simply because I've seen or read it many times before.

Wolverine is in this program. But he's a stupid, blond, teenage cheerleader. She's like Wolverine in the movies, she regenerates extremely fast. She may actually be superior to him, because I think she also doesn't feel pain. I'm betting the creators consciously decided to make a character who has Wolverine's powers, but is the total opposite kind of person. I've become quite the girl myself recently, because when I see her getting ripped to shreds, I feel kinda squeamish. There's a bit where she pushes her ribs back into her chest, and there's a bit where she puts her hand into a waste disposal unit. She does it to pull out her ring and when she takes her hand back out, it's totally mangled! It's really quite disturbing.

The most interesting characters are the Japanese geek who can travel through time. And the artist who can paint future events, but only if he's high on class A drugs. I'm not sure how it works, but I think the guy from Japan can also teleport.

I've heard some great things about Heroes, so I'm going to stick with it for now. Also at the end of the first episode, there's this crazy looking twist that really caught me off guard. The show may be trying to copy Lost in that respect, and also there are bits where the characters unknowingly cross over each other's paths. But hey, it's what's popular right now, I'm sure they'll find their own feet.

Thursday 18 January 2007

Rubbish at everything

I feel totally useless today. I am a talentless fool, who is no good at anything. University is very hard, I'm surrounded by young, talented artists who have a bright future. And then there's me, a man who is bad or generally average at everything he does.

I really can't think of anything that I'm good at. I try to learn things, but I'm constantly stuck on stage 1. I'm told it takes a long time to get good at something, but I thought I'd at least see a little improvement by now.

Wednesday 17 January 2007 is dead

Well ok, probably not dead, in fact it'll probably be back up by the time anyone reads this. isohunt is a site where you can search for torrent files. I'm not going to support piracy here, but when you miss your favorite tv show, I doubt a policeman's going to knock down your door for downloading it through BitTorrent.

I'd check out wikipedia's entry for another torrent site called The Pirate Bay if I was you. You'd think reading about a file sharing site would be boring. But the crazy stuff that's happened in this sites history is fascinating to me.

If you don't know what a torrent file is, check out wikipedia's entry here. If that link doesn't work, go to and then use their search engine to look for the phrase 'BitTorrent'. The same goes for the link to wikipedia's entry for The Pirate Bay entry.

Tuesday 16 January 2007

Tideland Review

I can't quite remember where I first heard of Terry Gilliams latest movie, Tideland. It may have been while reading something about Mr Gilliam, but it was most likely through looking at what else Jodelle Ferland was in after seeing the Silent Hill movie. Silent Hill being the only video games series I really look forward to anymore.

I didn't think Jodelle Ferland was all that good in Silent Hill, but then I don't think she had much to work with as far as character depth. But she's amazing in Tideland.

I saw the Tideland trailer about 6 months before I finally got to see the entire thing. I watched the trailer a couple of times, not once did it remind me of Alice in Wonderland. But then I went through yet another one of my Alice in Wonderland love affairs a week or so before I stumbled upon Tideland. This time finding different versions and adaptations in book form, instead of movies, which is what I did last time. I think I was first introduced to Alice by Disney's animated film back when I was extremely young. It still shocks me when I'm reminded that it came out in 1951, 30 years before existed.

So 10 minutes before I press play on Tideland, I suddenly think, I wonder if this is going to be anything like Alice's Adventures In Wonderland? All I knew was it was about a little girl in a weird place. The movie starts and low and behold, the first words spoken by Ms Ferland are from Lewis Carroll's famous book. The film then goes on to directly refer to it many times.

Tideland isn't a modern retelling of Alice, its ultimately nothing like it, it just nods to it about every 10 minutes. Jodelle Ferland plays Jeliza-Rose, a little girl who is most definitely in the real world. She sees strange, wonderland things, but these are almost always in her imagination, which is fueled by lack of food at one point. Alice in Wonderland can be read as a child playing make believe with her toys, this is exactly what Jeliza-Rose does through this entire film.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is at present my favorite movie of all time. Tideland starts off a lot like this, it depicts a horrible life in such a colourful fun way, that you don't feel depressed or sorry for the poor drug induced losers. Fear and Loathing pretty much continues like that to the end, but Tideland gradually gets more dark.

In Tideland, there are some quite disturbing things. Jeliza-Rose's poor father's existence in this film ripped me away from my preconceptions that this was going to be like a Disney flick. I then felt sorry for Jeliza-Rose, but then realized that this film is about her innocence, not ours. She never understands what life and death really is. You'll know what I mean when you see it. As you can see, I'm not very good at writing reviews.

And then there's the sexual bits, I guess you could call them that. Even after Terry Gilliam reveals that this is no fairly tale, I didn't expect a love interest between a 12 year old girl and a brain damaged 25 year old man to pop up. I'm betting some readers are thinking this is some sick twisted flick now. I'll tell you something, this film has changed me. It's made me realize that I'm a tainted, dirty person. Some like me, and other preachy religious types, will probably feel icky watching these scenes. Actually no, religious god fearing people will be angry and disgraced by Tideland, and most likely pointlessly complain. I, on the other hand, wished that I could watch these touching moments without thinking about paedos every 5 seconds. I live in a world where I see terrible things on the news every day, and innocence is a distant thing. Try to watch this movie through fresh eyes.

Brendan Fletcher is Dickens, a young man who had some kind of operation on his brain. It leaves him damaged, with the IQ of I guess about a 9 year old. The second half of the film becomes pretty much all about Dickens and Jeliza-Rose' friendship. An extremely early affection between them begins, one that neither of them understands anything about. They are so totally clueless as to what love or sexuality is. I kept expecting the film to take a third dive into darker grounds with this, but it never does. Don't think it will, it tarnished it for me.

I love Tideland, It's damn good. I thought A Scanner Darkly was going to be my favorite film of last year, but Tideland has taken it's place. It exceeded my expectations. Tideland is a work of genius. Ciao.

AFTER I READ OTHER REVIEWS has it at 25%, I've never been so shocked by reviews, they hate it! Their comments make no sense to me, it's like they watched a different film. You know what, whatever, they're idiots. They are entitled to their own opinions, no matter how wrong they are.

In my opinion, there's only one tiny thing wrong in this film. When the main girl puts on her imaginary friends voices, it's not always easy to understand what she's saying, but apart from that, it's a fantastic experience.

The Squirrels made it seem less lonely

Monday 15 January 2007

My Favorite TV Shows 2006

I don't watch that much TV anymore. The shows I do watch, I don't even technically watch on a television, I use my PC. I download anything I really like, because I can watch them any time I want. I can no longer bear to wait a week for the next episode of something. Here's a short list of my favorite shows of 2006. I know some of them didn't start in 2006, it's just what I enjoyed the most last year.

1. Lost
2. The Batman
3. Avatar: The Last Airbender
4. Legion Of Superheroes
5. Green Wing

Lost is a great show. If I remember correctly, it started in 2005, but it's the show I looked forward to the most last year. The Batman started years ago, but it still has to be there because its good and I watch it a lot. Avatar was almost second, it would be first if this list was of totally new shows that started last year. Legion Of Superheroes is a laugh, but nothing special. Green Wing is good, I need to get back to it though, and give it a second chance.

Jack's face at the exact moment he realised he's a bit lost

Sunday 14 January 2007

Post Number One

What a glorious day. The beginning of something average.