Wednesday 1 July 2009

WWE Spoiler Alert Report 01

[This post will be written very fast, so I apologise for the grammer. I'm very lazy right now]


I regressed to a 14 year old boy about 7 months ago, this was achieved by watching wrestling. My previous experience of wrestling is short, I think I used watch it a little back when the big rivalry was between the Undertaker and Yokozuna. This may even be not true, due to the fact that I have bad memory. It's possible that I may have simply watched one or two episodes at a friends house, it's just everything seemed so much more important and grander back then. Events that transpited over a week, now feel like they went on for months, when I look back at them.

I don't know why I started watching it again, I guess I was bored. At first I was watching TNA Wrestling as well as WWE, but I'm not watching TNA anymore, beause the "Main Event Mafia" was annoying, and... I dunno, TNA just seems to kind of suck sometimes. Even though some of the actual wrestling is pretty good.

I now just watch the WWE shows, besides WWE Superstars, which isn't on UK TV. I could download it, but WWE shows are long, so the video sizes are large. In the time I've been a viewer, I've watched Wrestlemania 25, Backlash 2009, Judgement Day 2009, and The Bash 2009. There may have been another special, but I can't remember it. I was supprised to find that since Wrestlemania 25 (2009), theres been a PPV event every month, the most recent one being The Bash, the next one is called something like Champions Night, I think. No I cannot be bothered to do research right now. I'm not going to write about older events, because I can't remember and I can't be bothered. I'll do quick summories. By the way, even if I do write any reviews, the will be very short, it's the way I am. I like to call them 'mini' reviews.

Wrestlemania 25-

This was dissapointing, it's been the worst PPV I've seen. It was also the only one that was still an actual PPV in the UK. While other not so big ones are free in the UK.

Backlash 2009-

Possibly the best PPV I've seen, can't remember what happened, but I remember it was awesome. Essentually it was the "backlash" to the events that happened at Wrestlemania 25. Rivalries had better resolutions here, as opossed to Wrestlemania 25.

Judgement Day 2009-

This was rubbish, but not quite as bad as WM25.

Extreme Rules 2009-

Just added this one, completely forgot about it for some reason. Extreme Rules was great actually, mostly because of one of the best matches I've ever seen; Edge Vs Jeff Hardy. Edge is my favorite wrestler, even though his actual wrestling abilities aren't that great. It's just his character that is so entertaining. Though this match was the first I'd seen inwhich he did some actual cool stuff, it was good because he actaully wrestled this time, while usually he just cheats or something.

Fatal Four Way;

This was ok but forgettable. Kofi Kingston defends his US Championship and wins, I wasn't supprised, he's only had it for a little while.

Chris Jericho Vs Rey Mysterio;

Excellent match, 2nd best to the main event, which was Edge Vs Jeff. This fight was very technical, lots of good grab reversals. I watched this match twice, the second time I noticed it's prety obvious when they're whispering to each other what to do next. Especailly when Jericho is doing the whispering. I liked this though, it was interesting. Jericho wins by swiping Rays mask off while he's in mid-619 (Rays over-used, and not painful looking special move). Ray basically freezes up and hides his face, which gives Jericho the oportunety to pin him. Jericho won the Intercontinental belt in this match, the 9th time he's won it, which is the most anyones ever won that belt. I've always liked Jericho, this match made me like him more.

CM Punk Vs Umaga;

A Samoan strap-match, umm, well, it was ok, was better the 2nd time I watched it. Interesting idea I guess, but it couldn't be done very often. Would get old real quick. CM Punk, the face, wins.

The Bash 2009-

This was very good, watched it just the other day, I can actually talk about this one!;

ECW Championship Scramble Match;

Christian is pretty good, but he's getting a it repetitive. This match had complicated rules, which I can't be bothered to explain, it was for the ECW championship. Christian starts off against Jack Swagger, a 3rd fighter joins about 2 minutes later, then a final 4th a couple minutes after that. They can pin each other as many times as they want, whoever had the last pin when the time runs out, wins. Finley was the 3rd, then finally we got Tommy Dreamer, who was the champion and still is at the end of the match. I'm quickly watching the match again now, yeah this match is pretty good, it gets real mental at the end, I was glad Dreamer keeps the belt at the end. Mark Henry was the last one to join.