Tuesday 18 February 2020

Well, this feels odd. I haven't posted in eleven years, I'm thinking of posting again, I don't mean the message I'm writing now, I mean maybe I should post more often than once every decade or so. What will happen? I'll probably make a few posts and then give up again for years. I say give up, that's probably the contemporary me speaking, I probably wasn't worrying about such things when I used to write on here.

Do I dare look back at these old posts? I think I actually did read through them five or so years ago. I see the last post is about wrestling, wow, I don't think I've watched wresting since that last post! By the way who am I even talking to? I don't know how people find these blogs, if at all, do they follow them? Maybe. I'll look it up later. It's different from Facebook, that's all I know. Looking back, my last post is from 2009 and Facebook started in 2004. Now I might be wrong but I think I was an early FB user so I'm sure I was already on it by 2009. I has most likely been on it for ages by then so I'm surprised I even bothered with blogging.

One reason I'm thinking of coming back here is because I feel like I'm posting in a void on FB, I don't think many friends actually even look at my posts, I mean to be fair I rarely look at others posts. 99% of my FB usage is for Messenger and for posting links to Youtube videos I like. Also old posts aren't as easy to find on FB and there's a lot of noise, what with everything else FB does flying around.

Then again on here, on Blogger, it's probably (almost definitely) a different type of void. On FB it's a sea of constant information, so your posts get lost in it and are throw-away. On Blogger, well, I assume it's a ghost town, at least it will be for me, because why would anyone bother to check a page that's been dead for eleven years?

I see this place is called Blogger now, not BlogSpot, I wonder why they changed it and for all I know, it's been ages since they did. I'm impressed that my blog is still up, even this ancient theme is intact and everything is still here like images. Wait... maybe not my profile picture, though I do remember it was still here a few years ago when I last checked. Maybe it's just not loading at the moment. Would be a shame, I was thinking I might keep that photo of the far FAR younger me. I think it said 'munted' on it, which was an influence (and joke) from a friend called Vanessa, who unfortunately has been long gone out of my life for a... long time. Wow my grammar is terrible. My fault though, just like many old friends of mine, I was terrible at keeping in touch, I didn't realise I was doing it until it was too late. I'm mostly talking friends from a life time ago.

Perhaps writing here will be good for gathering my thoughts and will be therapeutic, even if no one reads it. Anyway I've already written way more than I intended, I should go to the gym for a bit.

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