Friday 23 November 2007

Lost Season 3 Episode 16 - Sayid for the WIN!

Sayid is now officially the best character in Lost. Simply because in episode 16 of season 3, he turns to Juliet and basically asks "WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?". Ok ok he didn't exactly say that, he says something like; Why are you people (the others) here, what are doing here, and why are you terrorizing us? The Lost "goodies" have been around the others a lot since about the end of season 2, but none of them had even tried to simply ask the others about what the hell is going on this damn island.

Until Sayid finally gets some alone time with Juliet, and asks her with that "I'm gonna torture you if you don't answer me" look in his eyes. I hope he tortues her anyway, and accidently kills her, because I don't really like her. Though then again, she does have some king-fu moves, so perhaps Sayid couldn't take her.

I've actually stopped mid episode just to write this. Sad, I know. So I don't know if she does answer his question. I'm guessing she won't, or she'll say what I'm guessing, which will be that they know little more than the rest of them, and that they're just following weird orders from some unknown source. Or maybe not, because surely they know what all those weirdos are for. I'm talking about the ones that went to see Jack whilst he was in the cage, and just looked at him like everything was ok, and got all shocked like when he tells them to shove off really loudly.

So anyway, I'm behind on Lost, I know season 3 has finished. I'm watching an unhealthy ammount of episodes each night though, so I'll catch up soon.


'sein said...

I noticed you blogged about Lost and was like, "Oh shit new Lost omgomg!" and then realised you're behind the times. Oh, the excitement just drained out of me like the wee draining out of a puppy marking its territory and now I'm back to my old disappointed self.

I've got a countdown going until January 31st when Season 4 starts up. Lost r0xx y0. Its even better when you read the Lost Blog entry on an episode after you've watched it.

Oliver Wilmot said...

Thanks for the link to The Lost Blog.

Actually I'm usually purposely behind because I don't like waiting a week at a time to watch one episode. I like to watch an entire season over about 2 weeks.