Thursday 16 August 2007

The milking of Final Fantasy

I read video games news sites, I check them out almost every day. There was a time when I'd read almost all of it, but a certain subject has become so common that I almost subconsciously skim over it. That would have to be Final Fintasy from Square Enix, a series that has been so totally milked, that the cow is now a skeletal figure chilling out in hell.

It was bad enough when there was only the core series, but it's even worse now that there's several different versions, and several different side projects on just about every console. Loads of different Final Fantasy 13's, loads of new Final Fantasy 7's (forgive me if I got the numbers wrong, I've lost track), the list goes on, I'm sick of it all. Whatever Squenix, I ain't taking a ride on your gravy train of shite.

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