Thursday 5 July 2007

Heroes season 1

I just wanted to comment on the first season of the TV series Heroes for a second. I'm avoiding spoilers. I'm very tired so this is going to be a mess.

I'd heard that the end was disappointing, well I can tell you that I didn't think it was all that bad. There could have been more fighting, and the fighting that was present could have been a lot more high octane.

The last 5 or so episodes quickly made the series feel a lot more like a super-hero comic book, which could be a good or a bad thing, depending on the viewer. Each episode also became more messy, with pointless and confusing stuff happening all over the place. Like the cop dude and that lot easily escaping from the paper factory, which was a pointless scene anyway. What's the point of them being caught, if they just escape 5 minutes later? I guess it was an excuse to get that group of characters together. Speaking of groups, I swear characters just randomly ran into each other on the street way too many times. I know it's all about destiny, but come on, people aren't just going to run into each other all the time like that.


Lot's of characters end up looking pretty dead in the last episode, but by the end of it, it looks like pretty much everyone survives. I reckon this is a bit lame, because even though I don't like seeing characters getting killed off, it's still a brave thing to do, and I don't think the creators have the balls to do it. They did at first though, they killed Peters girl, and that bird who can remember everything. So yeah, in the last episode, you see the cop get filled with lead, and then he looks totally dead. But then you see him getting taken off to hospital, looking not too bad anymore. Also earlier, DL gets shot in the gut, a sure fire way to get killed real quick and painfully. We even see him looking dead at the end of episode 22, but then suddenly he's conscious again at the start of episode 23. He then survives through the entire episode and walks off looks only slightly hurt at the end. Sylor (spelling?) also gets "killed", but then sneaks off at the end without anyone even noticing. You'd think that their first priority would be to check that he really is dead.

Another stupid thing is how quickly Hiro learn't how to use the sword through his fathers training. But even so, they must have been doing for hours, so I'm not supprised his buddy buggered off.

The only character who is most likely dead is Peters brother, Nathan. But even then, he could have dropped Peter, and then flown off to get to a safe distance before Peter exploded. But who cares anyway, Nathan is a lame character. The woman who can email you without a computer should have been in the season more often, she was cool... kinda.

The season ends with a little teaser for the second one. We find that Hiro has traveled by mistake back to ancient Japan. He witnesses warriors that have that S symbol thingy on them, and then that weird eclipse thing happens. Apparently the eclipse is hidden in the show quite often, though I've mostly only seen it in the obvious place, which is the title screen.

With Heroes having the element of time travel, it's quite possible for the show to continue the same story in season 2. The story of a "bomb" going off could still be the main point in season 2, even though I'm thinking that could be a bit lame (milking it, so to speak). There's some reasons why I think this, one of them is this; In the future episode we see that Future Hiro is very different. He speaks English perfectly, he's better with his powers, and he's better with the sword. I'm pretty sure this Hiro didn't get like that by hanging around NYC (is that where it is?) for 5 years, making time lines out of strings*. He also mentions to normal Hiro that he's been in many battles (after normal Hiro comments on the worn sword). So this must mean that he becomes like that through living in ancient Japan for a while. I mean, he can time travel, so surely that means he could be a lot more than 5 years older, he could spend like 10 years in the past, and then go forward to the '5 years gone' episode. But then why would he have lost hope?... Damn I'm talking shit, not thinking straight, that's not going to happen because that wouldn't make sense. They DID change history... I think. Unless the explosion still does happen later. But the ending to season 1 shows that in Heroes, the future can be changed, that the future isn't set in stone. This means that there can't be loops. So the Heroes time line conveniently can't fall into a time paradox.

I'm going, bye!

*On a side note, I'm surprised Future Hiro doesn't appear to understand the concept of alternative futures. Why is he so glum if he can just go back in time and fix everything?

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