Saturday 8 July 2023

Baywatch - S04E05 - Sky Rider Review


I'm going to have to keep this one short because I don't have the time and even though I like it, there's not much to say. Sky Rider is a decent episode but I doubt it's popular with most viewers. After two pretty dramatic outings, we get a mostly fluffy one. I think I prefer the 'slice of life' stories in Baywatch now, just like this one. By season 4, there's been a bit too many stories about some criminal lurking about, they're all similar to each other and predictable because the format of he show would never let anything truly serious to happen. I think the three stories here are evenly divided but I'll list them by letters anyway.

'C' Story

It's a story about thieves on the beach, stealing purses I think. It's a Mitch and what's his name story, you know, the cop who vanishes from the show for chunks and then appears back at the end of the opening credits. He keeps disappearing for about six episodes at a time and is stories are mostly all the same so I forget his name. It's mostly a joke story, he wants to use a horse on the beach for... reasons. Like his quad bike can run out of fuel. Dude the quad bike is way cooler and easier to use and maintain. He captures the criminals and is then he's not allowed to keep the horse, what a surprise. The show has to go back to its status quo, after all

'B' Story

Slade returns which wasn't that surprising because I forgot to mention something in my previous review - When Summer talks to Jackie about dating Brody, Jackie does mention that Brody and Slade being friends is going to be a problem. They put that line in there knowing that's a story in the next episode. Finally a love triangle story in Baywatch but it's only for this episode and it does in some strange directions, things just kind of happen so I'll explain them in that way - Slade and Brody have a little fight but they're mates so they stop. Summer can't decide who to date which seemed a bit odd considering how over Slade she was in a previous episode. This leads to the most random thing I've seen in Baywatch, Summer gets a eating disorder in-which she scoffs down loads of chocolates and cakes. This was supposed to be serious and a bit dark but the show doesn't portray it well, mostly because it comes out of nowhere and then vanishes just as fast.

Summer wants the two dudes to decide for her and unknown to her, they also want to choose for her because they know she's stressed about it. Who will date Summer? They decide over a contest, they'll bungee jump out of a hot air balloon. This of course goes wrong, Slade almost drowns. It ends with a surprising and lame conclusion, Summer chooses to just be friends with the both of them, which they barely react to. So the Summer and Brody relationship barely lasted any time at all, this show still doesn't want to do another 'Shauni and Eddie' for some reason, it seems.

'A' Story

This story is about C.J., it's perhaps not the 'A' story but I'm putting it here because it slightly over-laps with Summers story, which Baywatch doesn't normally do. Also C.J. pops up in the other two stories as foil, as in, for the other characters to just talk to. The problem with this C.J. outing is that it's like almost all of her other ones - she gets into a relationship with some overly romantic dude who turns out to be a bit of a jerk or a big jerk. They're always about the dude doing a bunch of overly romantic gestures to get her attention, it's always predictable because we know he's not going to continue to be on the show.

Her boyfriend this time is a hot air balloon pilot, yes, Slade and Brody jump out of his balloon. She gets annoyed at him because he does unsafe stuff, leaves him and he just walks away, barely seeming to care.

And that's the end. Actually it doesn't sound like I enjoyed this episode does it, even though I said I did at the beginning of this review. I guess breaking down the stories like this revealed their weaknesses but it didn't feel bad because the episode jumps around the three stories a lot.

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