Thursday 6 July 2023

Baywatch - S04E03 - Lover's Cove Review


'C' Story

The 'B' and 'C' stories are very short so I won't spend much time on them, they're both probably as short as each other so perhaps two 'B' stories would have been a better way of labelling them.

Summer and Matt start a romantic relationship. Even though I saw it coming, it wasn't built up properly so it felt sudden. Shauni and Eddies iconic Baywatch romance was built up from the idea that they bugged each other. Arguing and all that and then realising they love each other, it was kind of obvious what was going on and probably cliche even for the time but at least it took time. On the other hand at least they didn't just copy Shauni and Eddies relationship origin story. Half of this 'C' story is just a montage of Summer and Matt running about and playing basket ball, by the way. I predicted that there would be a scene where Summer explains why she's not with Slade anymore and I was right. She explains to her mum that Slade is always off surfing at tournaments far away and she's right, that's something we actually saw in the previous season. He always acted distant and like he was just Summers friend too, though I think that was more because of his bad acting than anything else.

'B' Story

I'm only prioritising this story over Matt and Summers one because the episode starts off with it and that beginning consists of a pretty well done action rescue scene. Mitch is on a date with Jackie, Summers mum, when someone falls asleep at the feel, in the day time I might add, and drives off a mountain into the sea. Mitch goes off to rescue her, of course. The story is all from Jackie's perspective, she likes Mitch and they've been on several dates but the sparks aren't exactly flying. That's about it really, they decide to just be friends at the end.

'A' Story

I can't believe "fake" Hobie went from being one of my least favourite characters to one of my favourites within three episodes, he's aged a little and his acting keeps improving. Also, is he more tanned now? Since this the main story of the episode, Hobie turns out to be the focus which I don't think has ever happened before. Least, not the second version of Hobie. It was surprising to see him have long scenes where he's the main character. If you include the old version of Hobie, he's had quite a few stories where he fancies some random girl, but this one completely blows the others out of the water.

At first I wasn't keen on it, especially when you find out a sad fact about his new love interest, I thought it was too much of a downer for Baywatch. It also came out of the blue. However that becomes the reason why it's such a good story and to be honest one of the best ones in Baywatch so far. It's the most heart wrenching, that's for sure, but to be honest that's not saying much, when compared to all the other Baywatch episodes before this one.

A little nit pick is that Hobie's actor still isn't great at acting in distress but he's getting better. Also they hold on a cross fade at the end of the episode and it looks bad, they didn't even bother to crop out the background of the photo that's on the top layer. They also cut away from it and then back to it again, which feels wrong. I'm wondering if this was even in the original version of the show or if they added in the remastered one.

I'm just being picky though. Some viewers will find this story corny but I liked it. It doesn't even have a happy ending which I kind of wanted because I'm a wimp when it comes to this kind of stuff, I wanted them to somehow magically fix the situation.

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