Tuesday 13 June 2023

A Review of Tequila Bay, Sort of

 I've fallen really behind on writing about episodes along side watching them, so I'm wondering if I should just skip a lot, or not. I can't believe I haven't written about 'Tequila Bay' yet, I say it ages ago, I can't remember it! I'm going to have to turn on the episode in the background to remind myself.

Tequila Bay

This is episode 3 of season 3 and I consider it the first "real" episode of the season. This is the first one to not have Shauni and Eddie, I shed a tear. I did like these early season 3 episodes but since I've decided not bother explaining the plots, I don't think I have much to say. Or rather, I can't remember what I wanted to write about when it came to these episodes.

Stephanie Holden

This is the first appearance of Stephanie and I forgot to write about her in my review entry so I may as well write it here, since I don't think I have anything to say about the Tequila Bay's story. I didn't know Stephanie was going to be such a key character because she shows up late in the intro, I assume she'll be bumped up later on. She's played by Alexandra Paul, her acting is good and I quite like this character. Shes an old frame of Mitch's, he's pissed off with her for leaving all of a sudden. I think this tension would have been an interesting thing to play around with in the season but this is Baywatch, so of course they resolve their differences by the end of the episode.

A small issue with this is that it takes away a level of complexity from the character, it's something I've started to notice in the show. For example, Shauni is a selfish youngster in the pilot, she green and there's a scene where she wants to be assigned to a tower because her friends are around that area. This "noob", bratty side of her would have been interesting to keep for a while but it's completely resolved at the end of the pilot and I don't think it's ever mentioned again. From that day forth, she's a super professional life guard. Oh man, how did I change this section about Stephanie into a Shauni discussion? Haha.

Back to Tequila Bay

Anyway, Stephanie is a pretty good character. However one gripe I have about this episode is how they made all the flashbacks black and white, these show us Stephanie and Mitch's happy days together. The reason they're black and white is because they're in the past... get it? But I'm pretty sure there's been flashbacks in Baywatch before and they weren't in black and white. It just comes across as corny.

Summer Time

I don't think I have anything else to say about Tequila Bay but going back to it now, it does remind me of something odd that I noticed. Maybe not even odd, but a small thing - Summer is in this one quite a lot and she's in the next few a fair amount too. This gave me the impression that she was an important new addition but she actually almost completely vanishes for a chunk of time. I think she's almost completely absent from episode 7 until her return in episode 12, where she gets a story. Sometimes she appears for a few seconds, sometimes not at all. It very such reminded me of Shauni in season 1, there's even an episode where Summer walks into frame, gives someone a drink and then walks off, that's her entire presence in that episode. It did make me chuckle.

Nicole Eggert, Summers actor, is pretty good at acting in this show, but I wonder if they ended up changing their minds about her being a main character for some reason. For some other reason other than acting chops. Who knows, it could be many reason, I won't look them up though, in fear of spoilers. It just felt weird how she was in it so much for 6 episodes and then poof, she's gone.

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