Monday 30 March 2020


I'm not too happy right now, isolation isn't good, of course, it's effecting my sleep and I'm losing track of the days. A took a night off watching Buffy, or was it two? Originally I was going to do more productive things but ended up doing nothing anyway.

Another one of the older looking photos I saw on Google Images, I gotta use these before I get too far into the series, as these images are clearly from the early days. This one might not be season 2 (which I just finished) because Cordelia is in it. She was in season 1 but wasn't a main character, I can't remember if she was in the intro... just checked and actually she was.

Barely Buffy

I'm currently listening to music while I write this, which I normally avoid because it distract me and changes my mood away from the mood of the topic I'm writing. I was comparing the three Street Fighter II soundtracks and I noticed on the list of soundtracks online that there was an arranged one for New Generation (that's the first version of SFIII). I put it on just now and was surprised to find that I have heard this before, a long time ago most likely before YouTube existed. It's a nostalgia hit though I can't remember when or where I would have listened to this, it was release on Jun 18, 1997 but I probably didn't hear it until awhile later. Bit of a coincidence that I've re-discovered it now, just after watching season 1 and 2 of Buffy which were 1997 and 1998. Then again I become more obsessed with the 90's with each year that passes, becoming more convinced that the world I live in now is shit, and that's even before the virus outbreak.

My love of the 1990's

Least, the 90's was the best decade for me, though it's odd saying that considering how awful my school years were, which were in that decade. Second favourite decade is the 2000's and to be fair, most of the best things happened to me in that decade, if I was trying to be objective. I of course choose not to think about the bad things that happened in the 90's of course, and those memories are more vague after years of not renewing them by not thinking about them. The 90's are easier to choose too because of the entertainment media it produced, re-visiting it through the ever so powerful internet reveals a huge amount. However the 2000's aren't far behind and I've gradually become more fond of the decade. The logical part of my brain does however tell me that loving the 90's is stupid, it's quite possible that's stupid to idolise anything in the past.

Why? Several reason's but one comes to mind - We experience life in the here and now, the present is, in a way, the only thing that exists. It could be argued that the past and the future don't exist and yes, I probably learnt that from the YouTube series 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared'. So remembering and consuming things from the 90's isn't what the 90's were actually like (though it is at least an approximation) because one see's it as a whole even though all of those things in a 10 year span didn't happen at the same time. Things had happened by '92 but more things had happened by '98 but now when I look back, none of that matters. I guess it's a list, which decade has the longest list of things I liked? This is all fine of course as long as one doesn't take it too far, which I probably already have to be honest. Because the stupid part of my brain says hay, the time you're living in right now, it's crap compared to the 90's, but that's unfair because I'm comparing it to an entire decade.

Then again, what about the 2010's? They just finished and they seem have been pretty shit for me. Again though, it probably isn't fair for three reasons - One, that decade only JUST finished. Two, it hasn't been a long time so no nostalgia has kicked in and three, the 90's was my teen years. It's often said that your teens are the best part of your life and you can guess the reasons why without me listing them.

Back to Buffy, probably

This is a pattern, me thinking I'm going to write about Buffy and then going off on tangents, I quite liked this one though. It's 10pm though so I need to get on with this.

Xander and Cordelia

Like I said earlier I just recently finished season 2 and I was surprised how early Xander and Cordelia get into a relationship in the series. I can't remember exactly which episode but was an early season 2 one. By the way I accidentally saw a photo of the actor who portrays Xander, what he looks like now or at least a year ago. Maybe it was just the photo and angle but he looked so different, in fact he looked like a different person. I mentioned the other day that I don't want to see this actors like they are now, it upsets me, I don't exactly know why. Though it wouldn't bother me half as much if it was for a show or film that I wasn't currently re-watching.

Buffy and Angel

This also happened a lot earlier than I remembered and it was the focus of season 2, the show does pretend it's going to be about something else a couple of times though, trying to trick us which was clever. Like The Judge, it seemed like he was going to be a big deal but he ended up doing nothing. I wondered why I couldn't remember him and then he died quickly and that's why. By the way I've always thought David Boreanaz has an odd face, he's considered really attractive in the show but I don't see it. I feel bad saying that now, I mean he's not ugly but he doesn't strike me as traditionally attractive.

Also Angel turning evil (losing his soul) happened earlier than I remembered too, basically a lot of things in this show happened earlier than I remembered. I like how he's far more energetic and emotional when he is evil, maybe this was intentional because you'd expect it to be the other way around - Angel is pretty much human, besides vamp powers, when he has is soul, so you'd expect him to be more emotional. When he's evil without his soul, ironically he acts more alive.


I've been meaning to say this since season 1, I find some of Willows lines quite cringy, now I didn't even know the term until about 5 years ago and may have not even thought about the concept when this show was new. It's those lines which are connected to her being oh so innocent and inexperienced with things. I'm probably just being jaded anyway. She does get better in season 2, she said a line the other day that I actually found funny.

Xander's Valentines Day Episode

Wait, why am I thinking this was a Valentines Day episode? I can't remember why I wrote that in my notes. Anyway, it was a great episode.

Boxset Update

BTW I found a boxset on eBay for the enitre series for just £18, that's crazy. Didn't buy it though.


I was interested in comparing Twilight's and Buffy's dates of creation because even though I think of Twilight as being a modern thing, I then remember where I was when I first heard of the book - I was in St. George's in Harrow... that was a LONG time ago. But yeah anyway, it's not that new but even Angel had finished its TV run before Twilight's first book came out in 2005. Only by one year though, Angel finished in 2004.

Buffy's crappy font in the intro

The show's title card, that one, I'm waiting for it to go from one of the worst fonts ever to one of the best. It's still so bad at the end of season 2, haha.

Spike in season 2

I already regret dissing him the other day, he's very good in season 2. He spends most of his time in a wheelchair, Angel turns evil and joins him, Spike is happy about this for just that first scene and then things change quickly. The dynamic is that Angel bully's him and jokes about getting intimate with Drusilla, this goes on for most of the season. You very quickly feel sorry for Spike. I think how he is treated in these scenes and how the actor brilliantly portrays it most likely lead to him becoming so popular. I wouldn't be surprised if Spike wasn't originally going to be a show staple until this arc and also lead to the idea of making him an actual good guy. Even though that arc was probably just to make Spike and Buffy briefly teaming up at the end of the season more believable and more something the audience would want.


She comes back just to be killed, shes back so briefly. That is all.


Kind of the opposite of what I've said about other things happening in the show earlier than I remembered - Oz is there in season 2 but does barely anything, even after he becomes a werewolf. He has that episode and that's it for season 2. If I'd been asked before, I would have got it wrong, I would have said that his big story arc starts with that episode in-which he becomes a werewolf. Maybe it's season 3 then, or does it even ever happen? I can't remember but will find out soon.


I find it interesting that this character that I'd forgotten existed, her death leads to Willow becoming a witch, or least learning some magic early on. I clearly remember Willow becoming a more and more powerful witch but I'd forgotten that Jenny is literally the first reason why she starts. This is after Jenny's death, Willow finds some research Jenny was doing.

It's almost 11pm so I'm going. My writing is so bad in this blog, sorry.

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