Monday 27 October 2008

Kids begging for money in Harrow, that's the Halloween spirit

Millions of people shop like crazy in central Harrow, especially in the Christmas season. Yeah it is early, but as soon as it's truly winter, people seem to buy more. The main high street on weekends can become almost like that scene in Airplane, in which a guy has to fight away hordes of people asking for donations to different charities and organizations. They literally try to corner you and make you listen to them.

It can be irritating, but they have a job to do, it's just a bit of an arseholes job, that's all. But that is nothing compared to parent's making their kids beg. There is something seriously wrong with a parent, in this case a mother, who dresses up their kids in Halloween costumes, and gets them to beg for money in the high street. I'm not referring to sweets, I mean cash, in a plastic pumpkin, in the hands of a little girl dressed up like a faerie... and not actually on Halloween. Her bitch of a mother probably uses the same costume at Christmas to do the exact same routine. I've seen this for at least 2 years now, theses kids looked about 7 years old. They're going to be fairly mental when they grow up, for sure.

I feel like going up to the mother to tell her that shes seriously fucked up, and that she should be ashamed of herself. But for someone to do what she does, I'm sure she'd be happy to either spit in my face, or stab me in the neck with the knife she used to remove the security tags from the Halloween costumes. There are loads of cops in Harrow, but I'm sure they're more worried about me driving my bicycle on the pavement, than begging 7 year olds.

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