Tuesday 24 April 2007

Feed Reader madness

Yes it's true, I'm actually posting! Unfortunately, it's a boring one, but hopefully I will be posting more often from now. I've been too busy with University work, and playing with my new MacBook (which I've been meaning to do an entire entry about). But I have a lot to post about, I just hope I can find some time to do so. I also need to build a 'web presents', because the fact is, there's probably only one person reading this blog. That would be pretty much the only person I've told about it! I need to spread the word... Well, not that it's any good :P But I WOULD like some comments, which you can enter without even being a member, by the way.

I really like feeds, as in, RSS feeds, ATOM feeds and all the rest, whatever, I usually only click on the RSS ones. I don't know what the difference is between them all. If you don't know what a feed is, go look it up, I can't be bothered to explain.

So anyway, I wanted to add a couple of feeds to my Mac. So I click on the RSS button that is located on my desired site. I am prompted to use Firefox's Feed Reader named Live Bookmarks. I subscribe to the site and I go read some pages from the feed. After I've finished reading the page, I go to delete that entry in Live Bookmarks, but I find that I can't... Ummm... ok, this is weird, really weird. I search for the answer to my problem for ages, and I try different feed readers, Firefox plug-ins ones, Widget feed readers, you name it. I've tried about five now, I'm a little closer to what I want, but still not there.

I'm getting really boring now, so I'll cut this short. Basically, I never considered the delete button in the Opera (on PC) feed reader to be some kind of special feature. But it must be, because it's not present in loads of readers I've used on Mac. It's something I never though wouldn't be available in other readers. It's like using a sink that has a plug hole, and then going to your friends house and finding that theirs doesn't have one. Their response is "oh, that's a good idea!". Though actually, if I go by the replies I have on forums, it would go more like this ; "A plug hole? Why? I don't need one, I can use a bucket to empty it, or just leave it to over-flow". Because what I usually find is that people don't mind the idea of just leaving pages on the list that they've already read. This doesn't make sense to me, when a feed might have a hundred old pages that I've already read or don't want to read, all filing down the page in a list a mile long.

I'm currently using a Firefox plug-in called Sage, which does at least inform me if I've already read a page, but still doesn't have that fabled delete button. I'm hoping that maybe pages marked as 'read' will automatically delete themselves, but my hopes aren't high. I know, you're probably saying, why don't I just install Opera and use the same method as I do on my PC? Well firstly, that would be too clever and easy. Secondly, my love of Opera has been gradually slipping for months, I keep finding sites that it's not compatible with. For example, rottentomatoes.com violently flashes red and yellow, gradually gaining in speed, until I have an epileptic fit in my chair. On youtube, I can't view videos in full screen. So as you can see, pretty major sites don't work right in Opera. I'm not sure if it would be any different on the Mac version though.

So that's it, I've had my rant. I'm thinking that I may actually be real stupid, and that there might be an easy solution to all this nonsense I've been going on about. I just haven't found it yet, perhaps I've just been unlucky, maybe I happened to try the only five feed readers in the world that don't have a delete button. It's also hard to find any info on the problem, because when you do a search, it always thinks you mean you have a problem with deleting an entire feed (as in, unsubscribe to one), which is easy.

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